Right of return

Irregular food delivery is not counted as distance selling, so taking into account the quality and nature of our products, the general right of return in the online store does not apply to the food we offer.

If there is a defect in the quality or taste of the products that you want to make a complaint about, please gather any possible evidence of the issue and contact us using the attached form.

Reclamation form

If the product for some other reason does not meet your expectations and you want to return it, you can contact us by email at service@weco.fi

Gift cards are not refunded unless their expiration time has not been met and the store closes in a rather like permanent manner. 


Delays on transportation


Our store relies on third-hand-operators, so we might not always be able to guarantee for our partners.

If either the post or the driver is delayed with their part of the deal, we kindly recommend and request You to contact the service provider in fault of the transportation.

They are the only party that can truly verify any refunds for these types of challenges.

Thank You for Your understanding! ♡


Broken or missing items


If a product has been broken during the delivery, we request to reclamate it on the corresponding server agency, such as the Posti or Yango. 

We do not take responsibility of these items, neither of any package potentially lost by the transportation agency. 

Any refund claims for complications such as these need to be taken onto the party accountable, in which we do search to help the client with! 

We cannot refund paid items lost by a partner because we pay these items from our personal funding.
That is why, the issues must be taken to the instances held accountable. 


Inaccessible locations


We do not make any ´´Yango instant delivery within 30min´´ -deliveries to locations generally inaccessible by car. 
If You make such an order to a location like these, for instance an island, the shipping costs will not be refunded but instead the whole price of an unsuccessfull delivery and the return delivery will be deducted from any refund. Please make only legitimate orders with Yango delivery, since we can not turn into bridges! Ay? ☀️ 

In case we notice an order of this type before the car has driven as close as it could get, we either cancel and refund the paid price minus a service fee of 5€, or send the products as a postal package to pick up. 


Runned out products


If some of Your order products have runned out, we might replace them with a similar product without a further notice. 
If You do not want any products to be replaced, please give us a note about it in the commentary section ege. order notes! 



Most of our products are limited to about two products per order. This is to maintain steady shelf extent and to avoid list inequities. 🙂 

Canned goods


Some of our canned goods containers are made of such soft metal the packaging can easily get dings, but these do not affect the quality of the product. 

If You are concerned of incidents like these, please contact in order to settle potential return policy etc. 

Unfortunately we can not pay any postal costs of a return like these since that would cost us a lot of money we can not afford, so in case You are very concerned about dings in softer metal than the most of food cans are made of, please avoid buying these products from our service. This is how they are transported to all the different retailers anyhow. ☀️


Contact details:

WEco – Vegan Eco
Contact form